I bought a 180GB Western Digital Caviar SE 8MB EIDE on a forum a couple of weeks ago for £80 - to use as a master slave in my system until i upgrade then it will be my main hard drive
The drive seems to operate fine and have backed up some stuff on it - however it is noisy when its idle - it makes a sort of high pitched noise - and it gets annoying so i have taken it out.
Now my problem is what to do with it:
1) Try and return it to Western Digital (drive is about 10 months old) - but will they need to see receipt and stuff? - i was wondering about the returns policy because it says wont accept a drive it was bought second hand?
2) Try and sell on to someone else
3) other suggestions...
also if i do get another drive was thinking about a 160GB Western Digital serial for my new system (£79 new) - any one think this it is worth switching to serial.
Thanks for reading