I’m currently using the stock cooler on my C2D E6750 and I’ve decided I want to replace it just to keep those temps down a little bit more.
I wont be overclocking my system so some people say I don’t really need to replace my stock sink and fan, but I want too
I will soon be buying a Zalman MFC-2 to control my fans. At the moment in my Coolmaster 330 Elite case I have 1 120mm intake fan and 1 120 mm exhaust. I am also going to replace these as they are just cheep fans.
Could anyone recommend a good replacement for my cooler.
I am going to be taking my whole system apart soon just to give it a clean and wouldn’t be too fust about fitting a cooler with a back plate if it is easily done.
I don’t have the cash nor the expertise to fit a water cooling system, not that there would be any point as I’m not going to be overclocking.
Another question is it worth fitting an 80m fan to the side vent in my case? Will this improve my air flow or just interrupt the flow between my 2 120 mm fans
Cheers people