Hi guys,
For a long time we all seem to have fallen in love with WD and Samsung, and rightly so. Incredible reliability and good speeds.
I ued to be a Seagate man, and still to this day haven't had one go nipples-skyward, but many of you have.
However, I've also had a few Hitachi drives, and I've not had any problems for ... years.
My Dad now has 2 500 gig Hitachi drives (not in RAID, they're seperate) and also he has a WD AAKS (my choice) and he's telling me that to edit heavy amounts of film on his new quad core system, the Hitachi's seems to be faster, and supplying the data quicker, or maybe recording the data quicker to themselves id he uses one Hitachi as source drive (ie uncut film) and one as final destintion drive, but if he uses the WD as either, the process slows.
So, the question is, HONESTLY.... from real life RECENT experience, have you had any problems or simply success with Hitachi drives?