Right guys, about 2-3 weeks ago i upgraded the main components in my system.
went from :
e6600-am3 955be
4gb 800mhz ocz reaper - 4gb corsair dominator 1600mhz
gigabyte ds3 mobo - gigabyte ma770t.
8800gt- 4890.
Now, i currently have the TJ09 case, but i was considering buying a TJ07 and watercooling the lot, this would cost me ATLEAST £500.
Now, do i go for that option...or do i.
Build an I7 system and sell my current cpu and mobo.
As for £500 i could get I7 cpu, mobo, possibly an SSD and some noctua fans to cool it all.
The dilema is..i have money, and because im so used to not having it, i dont know whats the best option to spend it on ! Some will be going on my car, some will be going to the mother, some will be buying another bike, but im left with quite a bit spare, i enjoy my pc, i spend alot of time at my pc.
I currently have a 24" dell @ 1920x1080 and a 19" wide LG, the LG will be getting replaced with another Dell so i can have matching 24" monitors on the desk.
Help guys .