I remember ages ago somebody (on hexus I believe) suggesting getting Logitech Z4 speakers. At the time I had no money, but just recently I decided to spend some money I got for my birthday on the set. Can't say I'm disappointed. I've never used 2.1 speakers with my computer, so playing games with a sub-woofer vibrating under the desk everytime I shot a bullet started out as a weird experience. I quickly got used to it and after watching Watchmen I don't know how I could live with those tinny, generic speakers I used before. Absolutely love these speakers, best £60 I've spent in a long time. They look absolutely amazing and best of all sound spectacular.
I can actually hear my music now. I can distinguish each individual instrument, and it overall just sounds a million times clearer and obviously better quality. I felt more immersed in the games I played, notably Left 4 Dead 2 - I literally jumped when a tank came running towards me as I could hear each pounding footstep so clearly. Great fun .
Hmm, the point of this post? None really, other than to boast about my sexy new speakers. If you are looking for a new set of mid-range speakers, get these .
Anyone else have them? Care to give your 2 cents?