What Memory from Ebuyer for a SN41G2??
As some of you know I built my misses a shuttle. Well I took it into the school I work for to get some of those windows updates and I now have an order of three to build!! I fancied ordering from Ebuyer as they have all the stuff I need and the prices are pretty good… the shuttle itself can be brought cheaper buy a few quid elsewhere but the other stuff is real low, plus I need cdrw media and mice and keyboards
Here is what I think I will order so far, just not sure on the memory..
SN41G2 400MHz FSB 148.14
AMD XP-2800+ CPU 333FSB/Barton 70.49
Western Digital Caviar 80Gb 44.48
Sony 52x32x52x16 DVD/Silver 33.53
(all have VAT added)