My investigations into computer builds have made me review what components I'm likely to use a tad.
But there is a question that I can find no real help on and that is whether it is better to have a great CPU with a good GPU or a good CPU with a great GPU.
If money is no object then the question is immaterial but as I'm on a budget I want the best "bang for buck" (hmmm...would the English version be "poke for pound" I wonder?).
My original setup was to be a i7 920 with a HD 5770, but if you consider that the amount of visual media that is being pumped through a desktop these days and that this is only going to increase as more and more TV, films and games go 3D then I am wondering if a i5 750 with a HD 5850 or GTX460 might be a better initial setup.
I have discounted the AMD CPU option for this build simply because I don't see them catching INTEL for at least the next 5 years (probably more) in terms of processing power.
If I go the 1366 route I get a lower spec GPU but the option of the 980x CPU some time in the future.
If I go 1156 then have a lower spec CPU upgrade to look forward to (I doubt, but I could be wrong, that Intel will release a v.high spec 1156 CPU if they are releasing new architecture any time soon) but could opt for a better GPU immediately.
Your thoughts and any advise on this would be most welcome.