I decided to try connecting the two H70 fans to the Fan controller of my CM Storm Sniper case. The results are very positive indeed, and interesting.
To test out the Load temps I ran Prime95, and set the fan speed to a % based on the dial position. The temps are in the form of coolest core - hottest core, as displayed by CoreTemp 0.99.8.
Test System:
i7 920 D0 4GHz (200 x 20)
CPU Voltage: 1.3500
CPU PLL Voltage: 1.88
CPU/DRAM Core Voltage: 1.3500
HT: On
All speed step etc off.
Old TRUE-120 (1600rpm Push/Pull)
IDLE: 38° - 41°
LOAD: 79° - 84°
H70 (fans set to intake)
Fans connected to CPU Fan Header
IDLE: 32° - 41°
LOAD: 69° - 73°
Fans connected to cases fan controller
Minimum (20% ish I think)
IDLE: 36° - 40°
LOAD: 76° - 80°
IDLE: 34° - 39°
LOAD: 69° - 74°
IDLE: 33° - 39°
LOAD: 68° - 72°
I don't have any Db meter or anything so this is subjective but anyway:
TRUE-120: LOUD rushing noise, annoying when room is quite.
H70: CPU Fan power: LOUD rushing noise and irritating whine, annoying even when room noisy.
H70 20% Fan speed: Very Quiet! Gentle shush, fine even when room quite.
H70 50% Fan speed: Average, fan noise not annoying but there in background all the time.
H70 100% Fan speed: LOUD rushing noise and irritating whine, annoying even when room noisy.
So all in all a very good outcome, and even with the fans turned down to minimum the H70 still beats my old TRUE-120, so I am a happy chappy.