All night, i have been searching the internet looking to gain knowledge of RAID, its setups, advantages and disadvantages of each type. It's still quite blurry, although i am getting the general idea. I NEED to know what i'm doing, as i want to hook up two 36GB Raptors. I have 2 SATA connectors onboard. I was thinking of doing a striped array (RAID-0). Is this best for overall performance? Do they fail a lot? When it says that striping basically means the 2 drives become one (am i right?) then, the two raptors mentioned above will become 1 72GB(ish) drive? Im really trying to grasp this, but its a bit difficult because i have no-one to answer my questions when looking over webpages at guides etc. So, i brought my out-standing queries to you lot Hope you can help me, and i just hope i havent asked for more complications. Thanks in advance