Today I decided I need todo some work on my case, just fit a new fan, tidy up a bit and I also needed to restick a thermal probe to my heatsink.
So I then set about taking my Zalman heatsink off. When I pulled it off, to my dismay I saw the heatsink had taken the CPU with it, which has happened before. So I now need to get it off and as I am sliding it across the base of the sink (i have kinda stubby fingers so I can't pull it straight off) it reached the edge and slipped off, well kinda jerked as I was sliding it. To my horror the CPU slipped out of my hand that was waiting to catch it and fell about 2 foot onto my motherboard.
After a quick pause, I picked up the CPU to see what damage had been done (whilst hoping I hadn't bend any pins) and again to my horror I saw a single pin had been bent at a 45 degree angle. After much cursing I managed to bend the pin back and it slotted perfectly into the ZIF.
I'm going to be very careful with my CPU from now on, no, extremely careful.
Lesson learned