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Thread: jiuhb dlt3c xp1700,where can i buy 1?

  1. #17
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    So is the cpucity 1800+ one to be avoided? i was gonna get it but austins post suggests its not worth getting

  2. #18
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    I didn't see it mentioned before but seem to be able to have the DLT3Cs

  3. #19
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    I know I'm late (back) to the party but I might as well have my say.

    As said the 1.50v CPUs should be better as they are set to use the lower voltage by default. Diffs aren't generally significant though and a chip using 1.6v could easily o/c better than the 1.5v equivilent. I would suggest 1.50v but don't worry if you buy or end up with a 1.6v as it should make VERY little diff. In fact the 1.6v chips can help if you either lack voltage adjustment or have a +% voltage increase (eg Gigabyte) which can obviously be relatively limiting. Basically a CPU will run cooler with a lower voltage but (to put it simply) in order to keep the strength of the CPU's internal signals up at higher speeds the voltage must be increased (though TbredB XP1700+ have been commonly known to do XP2600+ type speeds with only 1.50v!). Adding voltage will enable higher clocks but it stresses the CPU much more and gives off significantly more heat. For TbredB and Barton 1.65v is the normal voltage, AMD just tend to set it lower for the slower speed CPUs for several unimportant reasons.

    Another small factor is A___B (eg AUIHB) vs J___B (eg JUIHB). It is generally considered the A___B are superior to the J___B but much like 1.50v default vs 1.60v default it doesn't seem to make any significant difference. Most people swear by J___B on XP1700+ with XP1800+ & XP2100+ being close runners up. With Barton it seems you don't need to worry about anything like that.

    The diffs between TbredA and TbredB is VERY significant. The basic diff is an extra layer which avoid cross-talk, both are built using the 0.13mu process which makes the CPU cheaper to make and run cooler and with less voltage. What it (TbredA vs TbredB) boils down to is ...

    1. TbredA tend to top out around 2.0ghz (XP2400+) while it's more normal for TbredB and Barton to top out around 2.2ghz+ (XP3200+). It really disgusts me that so many sites (esp the 'o/k'ers) simply state Tbred, you rarely see that in the US.

    2. ALL TbredB are unlocked (ie mobo is able to determine the multiplier) whereas TbredA sometimes come locked. Bad for those looking for higher FSB speeds.

    The big problem (as touched on above) is that hardly any site actually specify TbredB and also it's becoming harder to find the XP's below XP2000+. If you want to guarantee it's TbredB then you should get XP2400+ BUT then £10 more nets you the much better always Barton based XP2500+. If you want an easy life and choice of all the shops then XP2500+ is the way to go. However if you can find a TbredB for £40ish it will only be 5% slower than the XP2500+. Bottom line, there are no guarantees with how you will o/c anything BUT any TbredB or Barton even when they're clocked very slow (comparitively) by default should always achieve the same sort of speeds, a good average being 2.2ghz. Rem that is an average so inherently some will end up a little lower and other lucky sods (or over-volters) end up higher.

  4. #20
    slave of the hypnotoad
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    seems as though AMD are putting out some new TBredA's out suddenly, it's very strange! If your in the market for a TBredB i'd suggest you go guaranteed to avoid this new wave of AIUGA's and AIWGA's, you have to wonder what AMD is playing at going back a revision, maybe trying to stop everyone buying sub £50 CPU's which they make very little on? but then none of their products will compete favourable with intel, their business strater
    gy (if there is one) baffles me!

    ps. Sibu, avoid it, avoid all TBred codes with an A at the end.
    Last edited by fondie; 27-08-2003 at 02:30 AM.

  5. #21
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    (D)Oh yes ... page 2 ... I knew that was there...

    It seems PClinks (I've never used them) don't guarantee any steppings BUT do let you specify the stepping / markings you want and also allow you to stipulate termination of the order should they not have the desired code. So you could buy from them and specify you want a J___B or possibly A___B (the B ensures TbredB) ideally in XP1700+ form. If you buy from them be sure to share your experiences. Prices...

    XP1700+ £35
    XP2500+ £70

    Axion it is a risk unfortunately. Dabs won't necessarilly ship the code they state, many sites simply list one for the first XP1700+ (or whatever) since they checked stock or first got them in. Also AMD's datasheets may be out-dated or plain incorrect and you can't really complain to them (esp as it's primarily to do with unendorsed o/c'ing). I wouldn't take the risk, get a definite TbredB from one of the sites which guarantee it or else pay for Barton, after all £70 isn't much to pay for what SHOULD run as XP3200+!

    Sibu the A___A (or anything ending A) is always TbredA and as already described you do NOT want that unless you care little for o/c'ing and just want a cool running CPU.

    no1sdn rem DLT3C does NOT guarantee you TbredB as in XP1700+ to XP2100+ it can relate to TbredA or TbredB. DUT3C is always TbredB for these speeds (exc XP1900+) but that's 1.6v and many prefer the 1.5v DLT3C (if it's TbredB of course). This is all trusting to AMD's datasheets and I wouldn't bet my money on those being 100% accurate nor up to date. So be sure to specify J___B or A___B as the 'B' will mean it must be TbredB.

    fondie unless AMD wished to simplify their production lines it actually makes sense for them to make all chips below XP2400+ TbredA. Firstly the 8 layer TbredA is cheaper and easier to make and secondly it would help prevent damaging sales from o/c'ing the dirt cheap TbredB chips.

  6. #22
    slave of the hypnotoad
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    Originally posted by Austin
    fondie unless AMD wished to simplify their production lines it actually makes sense for them to make all chips below XP2400+ TbredA. Firstly the 8 layer TbredA is cheaper and easier to make and secondly it would help prevent damaging sales from o/c'ing the dirt cheap TbredB chips.
    i agree that i think that is quite possible their strategy! i also think they are completely wrong in doing it, it means the only chips that will be able to compete with intel on a price / performance basis for enthusiasts against intel will be the xp2500+ to xp2700+ which still don't earn AMD much money (and possibly the xp2600+ and xp2700+ will go the way of the TBredA as well). the xp2800+ will only appeal to non-overclockers because for similar money a 2.4C offers greater overclocked performance, and the xp3000+ and xp3200+ can't touch P4C's at the high end, overclocked or not.

  7. #23
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    should i get a 1800+ JUIHB DL3TC?

    i think thats a TbredB and it has the nice 1.5v

    ive been offered that... but nowhere has the 1700+

    i could import the 1700+ JUIHB DL3TC from the USA or buy this... what dya guys reckon?

    ive also asked if they have any AUIHB DL3TC in 1700/1800 varieties... so we have 4x possibilities here... list in best order..

    i know the imported chip is the *best* but wont be that cheap after import, and importing is serious hassle... so if the 1700 AUIHB 1800 AUHIB and 1800 JUIHB are all available are any of them worth getting? and which is best--->worst?
    Last edited by Axion; 27-08-2003 at 02:00 PM.

  8. #24
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    Well unless your mobo lacks voltage adjustment or only uses percentage increases then the DLT3C (1.50v) is slightly more desirable than the DUT3C (1.60v). Of course to be sure of TbredB you MUST ensure it is either A___B or J___B (middle letters usually UIH but irrelevant), that's by far the most important part. You are unlikely to find many CPUs faster than XP1700+ using DLT3C (1.50v) but as said that's an ideal thing not really necessary.

    The XP1700+ are only preferable because they tend to be cheaper than the XP1800+, XP2100+ etc. So long as you're sure it is TbredB the only thing which changes (of any significance) is the default clock speed and default multiplier. Do note the multiplier as it can be handy for those who lack multiplier adjustment in order to get a good stock one. Also multipliers over 12.5x can confuse many mobos resulting in either a seemingly locked multiplier, stuck in the high table (13-22x) or some other problem. Examples of these CPUs are XP2100+ (13x), XP2200+ (13.5x), XP2400+ (15x), XP2600+ 266FSB (16x), XP2700+ nonBarton (13x), XP2800+ nonBarton (13.5x) and XP3000+ Barton (13x).

    So if you do lack multiplier support the best thing to do is go for a multiplier which suits your FSB & RAM...

    133/266FSB - XP2400+ 15x - About the best you can get stock and most mobos will allow stable 145/290FSB 15x145=2.175ghz. Ideally you want PC2700+ but most PC2100 should allow around 290mhz esp with higher RAM timings.

    166/333FSB - XP2000+ 12.5x - keeping in spec allows 12.5x166=2.083ghz (FSB increases will allow you to reach maximum potential). In spec PC2700 is all that's needed, PC3200 allows for fast RAM timings and ensures it won't limit your o/c.

    200/400FSB - XP1700+ or XP2500+ 11x - 11x200=2.2ghz (if can't quite do 2.2ghz you can always do 11x190=2.1ghz). PC3200 should be enough even for slight FSB increases.

    Note almost all TbredB & Barton should be capable of at least 2.0ghz with the average around 2.1ghz depending if you are willing to add high voltages. Rem 2.2ghz with 400FSB is identical to XP3200+ (if you have Barton) or roughly XP3000+ (if you have TbredB). Do rem your RAM, cooling, mobo and BIOS settings will all play a part and ALWAYS use small increases when o/c'ing testing throughly at each stage. Be sure your RAM is in sync with FSB and rated to the appropriate speed (266FSB=PC2100, 333FSB=PC2700 & 400FSB=PC3200). Also check you know how to clear your CMOS. Rem upping the voltage should allow you to go higher BUT anything above 1.65v is abnormal, will really stress the CPU and produce a LOT more heat. IMHO 1.70v should be a relatively safe MAXIMUM.

  9. #25
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    Axion buying from outside the UK can seriously effect any savings when you factor in returns, warranty, import tax, VAT, DOA and any possible Credit Card charges. I would buy UK. Barton XP2500+ for £70 from anywhere and you don't need to worry about codes or cores. Otherwise the following sites promise TbredB...
    XP1700+ £47
    XP2100+ £53
    XP1700+ £35
    NOTE: For PClinks you must specify the code(s) you want and whether to process the order if they can't match it (See product details).

    In summary the codes best to worst (bearing in mind diffs are very small) ...

    1. JUIHB DLT3C 1700+
    2. AUIHB DLT3C 1700+
    3. JUIHB DUT3C 1700+ and JUIHB DLT3C XP1800+
    4. AUIHB DUT3C 1700+ and AUIHB DLT3C XP1800+
    5. Anything else coded JUIHB or AUIHB

  10. #26
    slave of the hypnotoad
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    as far as i'm aware AIUHB xp1700+'s and xp1800+'s don't exist.

    a JIUHB DLT3C 1700+ and a JIUHB DLT3C 1800+ will overclock very similarly.

    so, i recommend you take the JIUHB DLT3C 1800+ as one is available to you.

  11. #27
    w33d smoka
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    i may as well just get another xp2400 i think ,wot do u think austin,there all thouroghbred b,s arent they?

    also how well do these clock,could i get maybe 2.2ghz in my sk41 or sn41g2?

  12. #28
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    Yes, XP2400+ would guarantee you TbredB BUT there are 2-3 sites guaranteeing TbredB for only £35-45. Once you get to £60ish for TbredB (eg XP2400+) you have to question why you don't pay £10 more and get the £70 Barton (XP2500+). It guarantees at least XP2500+, has the desirable low multiplier (unlike XP2400+), is 5% faster clock for clock, you never need to worry about steppings or other codes, you get a nice default voltage for o/c'ing (1.65v) and finally it will sell on more easily and for more cash in the future.

    sn41g2 is nForce2 so should handle all the o/c'ing reqs and then some. It will allow you to maximise the full potential of any CPU.

    sk41 is more limiting however. Based on the KM266 (IIRC basically KT266) it only handles 266FSB though may o/c as high as 288FSB if your RAM is capable (ie higher than PC2100 or PC133 preferable). So for this you would want an XP2400+ as you'll find o/c'ing options limiting and the 15x multiplier will be very useful. 15x144=2.160ghz (XP2700+) is as high as you're likely to get but even stock as an XP2400+ perf is still very good anyway.

    So if you have an XP2400+ in your sn41g2 then use that in the sk41 as that is the best CPU to have in there. You could then buy any cheap TbredB or Barton for your sn41g2 and should find XP3000+ - XP3200+ pretty easy to achieve (PC3200 preferable). Otherwise just buy an XP2400+ for your sk41 or make do with the existing CPU then treat the sn41g2.

  13. #29
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    thanks all im getting the 1800+ JUIHB DL3TC

    oh and who said anything about import duty??? not me...

  14. #30
    You are feeling sleepy... acidrainy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Axion
    thanks all im getting the 1800+ JUIHB DL3TC

    oh and who said anything about import duty??? not me...
    Excellent, I'm sure this will no doubt be a re-badged 2700+ much like all the XP1700+ JIUHB DLT3C's are!

    Happy clocking!

    tell us what you manage to get out of this chip when you get it!

  15. #31
    w33d smoka
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    yes please let us know

  16. #32
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    i will... however it will take a tiny bit of time...

    never heard of a cpu doing everything... think i might need to get my mobo/ram/gfx/hdd... maybe...

    what dya guys think?

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