|SilentDeath| what acoustic management sw did you use? I've used the official Maxtor one and it really helped with my Maxtor 120GB ATA133 7200rpm 8MB drive (should have had FDB but I don't think it did). On the medium setting (quiet but still FAST) it didn't have much impact on noise (nor perf) but on the low (QUIET) setting it was 100% silent and though the perf hit showed in synthetic benchmarks I couldn't feel it anywhere else. I have heard feedback from quite a couple of Maxtor owners and their responses were positive ... but then it makes sense its worth varies depending upon the particular model and even the individual drive itself. I rem my beloved 60GB ATA100 5400rpm (736DX), that was FAST (very near my 7200-8MB to use) and totally silent too ... but then
IIRC that was actually a rebadged Quantum Fireball...