OK...looking for most bang for buck in my next u/g....and looking to lose the lag I get whenever I host a game of Ghost Recon with more than 6 players.
Currently running a MSI KT6 Delta mobo with Athlon Xp2600 Barton. Ram is 2 x 256Mb DDR PC 2700 from, ah hem, PC World. The own brand stuff. ( I know...) Nvidia FX5200 g/card. 7200rpm 40 g Hard disk. 1Mb d/l 256 u/l cnxn.
I have the RAM in DIMM 1 and 2. The board can take 3GB in 3 different slots. The manual says 'in any order'. Hmmm, is that right? My techy m8, who I suspect of making up answers if he does'nt know, reckons 'RAM is RAM'... reading these forums tells me that Corsair is expensive for a reason.
So...I want to u/g to 1Gb cause I reckon this will help the gaming. But what to buy in relation to configuration and best value? Mid-range not Corsair is the limit to my price range. Some things I have read seem to suggest that throwing away the current stuff and starting over with a new stick of 1Gb is the future...?? I don't know. Suggestions please...thanks for your time in advance.