I have an abit NF7-S Rev 2 mobo
ok well i updated my bios to the tic tac manta ray xt d26 (i think thats what its called) and i tried to oc but still cant hit 220 fsb stable. I had vcore at 1.85-1.9 and the vdimm and the other ram voltage thing at max and still nothing. I havent tried messing with the timings though. DO i just set them higher? at what intervals?
Could it be my psu thats causing the probs? my rails are always the same whenever i check (its a raidmax 420w psu) i kinda want a fortron 530w psu but i dunno anymore
ill be getting about 75 bucks next week (or around there) what would be better
get my fortron 530w psu
buy a mobile 2400/2500/maybe 2600
or save up for my a64 system (it would be a 2800 and one of the cheapest mobos i guess)
i only get payed about 75 a month and im quitting my job probly by the end of november (paper boy lol) so ya i dunno what to do