My systems getting a little dated - not sure if its worth the money upgrading yet though..
Anyway Ive currently got:
1700+ @ 2.3ghz
nf7-s r2 mobo
9500np gfx
1gb of pc3500 corsair mem which can probably go to 230+ @ 2-2-2-7 @ 3v+ with a decent mobo - nf7-s has problems past 220 without proper modding.
Ive also got watercooling (of the DIY kind) for cpu, gpu, hdd, and nb, which is plenty good enough for all current hardware
This is what I am thinking of getting:
Amd64 cpu, one of the cheapest, and overclock far past the most expensive ones
AMd64 mobo, one good for overclocking.
Graphics card, probably ati's best offering, alhtough ps3 is tempting me to get nvidias - how ever thats spelt...
Any suggestions? As always Im more concerned with over-clocked performance, and not stock performance. There is such a large difference between the two.... I hear that amd64 chips overclock very well