intel have a finger in almost every computer retailer's production processes - Dell is probably the biggest that comes to mind - and if AMD want to compete with that they have to have an exceptional product. Although there have been many postings/reports about the head's of dell discussing intel/amd its clear the two are 'in bed together'...if it were AMD, the knowledgable computer user's choice, then their future would be somewhat safer. saddly as we all know the heads of dell reject any questions towards the matter, I bet if they did they'd get serious legal probs from intel.
BUT AMD are now seen more and more by computer retailers, mesh, tiny(!) and the like - not able to take on dell in terms of sales volume but certainly beded in there. plus theres us, the knowledgable computer user that buys our cpu's individually. this is more costly for us but good for amd - as when sold as part of a computer the retailer no doubt buys 'in bulk'. if AMD go out of business a hole in the market is created - and intel will not fill it, the incentive for the next best thing might not be driven as hard as it is today and so developement will slow, lack of competition is not good.
if amd go who will step up to take on intel? thats a worrying thought indeed!