who fancies jumping ship and going back to Intel?
I mean it took forums like this good place YEARS to get AMD to where they are now. 5 years ago no one exceptOC and Hardware steadfast's had AMD PC's.
Now we ALL suggest our Mum's buy them for interweb surfing!
So...is it time to do a U turn and rush back to Intel? It's not like a 64 bit system from AMD is uber cheap now is it? I mean my first Athlon Slot A was a 500 that I overclocked to 600, and it was as good, if not better than a P3 600. And it was WAAAY cheaper. Even if it DID need a Nuclear Power Station for a PSU.
But now that a top spec 64 bit AMD is smal semi detached house in Eire money, might be time to turn and peg it back to Intel for a year.
What do you think?