first my rig
NF7-S v2
XP mobile 2500+ @11x200 2200mhz
2 x 512mb PC3200 RAM Crucial
ti4200 128mb
Maxtor 80gb HD
Lite on CD/RW
XP pro SP2
400 watt PSU ( I know its generic)
5v 5.08
3v 3.27
12v 11.74
Bios version 26 (only 27 is newer)
vcore 1.6 in bios usually around 1.57-1.58 in speedfan
temps 36C idle 47C full load.
Prime stable 12 hours cba to do it any longer
I bought the mobile about 3 weeks ago and it has been working flawlessly .
Last night I went to switch off and it seemed to switch off without going to the windows is shutting down screen,
So I switched it back on and noticed the Post screen said unknown processor (as before) but 100x11 1100mhz not the usual 200X11.
Got into windiws checked CPUZ and yes now I have a 1100mhz CPU
Ok went into bios and it does say 11x 100 1100 mhz
But settings are corect for 2200mhz
User defined
FSB 200
multiplier 11
SO go to save settings haven't changed anything and it boots up as normal with a 2200 mhz processor.
It sems as though somehow the bios is reverting the PC to 11x100.In fact I noticed on initial boot up when it displayed as 11x100 on the next screen it said update success as though I had gone into the bios and changed it to that?All I had done was save the settings tyhat were already there!
I can't figure out why it has started doing this.The only thing I have changed is installed Dragon Naturally speaking about a week ago but my instincts say this is a hardware rather than software problem.
This is what I have tried, new cmos battery.
Lowering FSB to 110 to see if less power surge on shutdown/startup would get it to hold the settings no joy.
I don't really know what could be the problem.It may be the PSu but I have hardly anything connected and am loathe to spend £60 at the mo for a decent PSU (one day soon sure, but just bought the CPU so need to save)
Any ideas anyone?