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Thread: Help getting ram timings sorted.

  1. #1
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    Help getting ram timings sorted.


    3500+ Newcastle
    Asus A8N-Sli
    Corsair 2x512 PC3200 XMS XL 5-2-2-2 2.75v


    Im wanting to get my ram running at all the correct timings at stock with your help!

    Currently, i see that my motherboard seems to slacken off quite alot of timings on my ram, which is supposed to be the fastest pc3200 ram u can get. I have set timings of 2-2-2-5 1t 1:1 2.7v in bios.

    I took 2 screenshots of a64tweaker, 1 when i boot into windows and 1 where i think what my timings should be, and im wondering if the ones i have changed are correct.



    What i have noticed is, in games, fps games especially, the timings i have set make the games feel a bit more responsive.

    Also is there anyway i can set the timings so i dont have to keep changing them in a64tweaker, only Cas Trp Tras Trcd are availabe in bios.


  2. #2
    Slightly Trigger Happy
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    no RAM can only be altered permanently in the bios, if you want a full list of settings you will have to get a DFI motherboard as they're the only ones that i have seen with such a large list.

    A tip however if you back off the 2,2,2,5 to about 2,2,2,11 it will actually run faster, its a querk of nforce 4 motherboards. this will help you get a better feel of speed in your games without pratting about with the other more irelivent timings.
    your computer is similar to a fridge in that if it cannot keep a beer cold then it sucks

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