having taken the plunge and gone for a asrock dual 939 uli board and a xp 3000 venice and asaka cooler, whats this lot worth:
abit nf7s v.2 mobo
Athlon XP2500 Barton unlocked core
2 x 256 meg dual channel twinmos windond ram
aero 7 lite cooling fan
would asking £100 be to much? never been o/clocked!
also, i have currently a 40 gig ata133 hdd for my o/s and a 160 gig sata drive for my storage.
would changing my 40 gig to a sata to match my one now improve speed via raiding it up, of add a sata2 drive for the o/s and have my sata 1 for storage make a difference to?