I've got a very strange problem with one of my PCs, and I thought some of the knowlegable peeps in here might have seen something similar, or be able to suggest what's wrong.
It's a Gigabyte 7VAXP Ultra motherboard, and it appears to have a bit of a problem with the saved CMOS information.
We had a power cut, and when the power came back on, one of my PCs wouldn't boot.
The only way I can get this machine to boot is to clear CMOS. Once I've done this, it boots, takes me into the BIOS to save CMOS information and then it continues to boot into Windows. I can the use it perfectly normally. If I shut it down, then it won't boot, until I clear CMOS, then it behaves perfectly again.
So at the moment, it goes like this.
Power machine on, save CMOS, continue to boot, work normally.
Shut machine down
Power machine on. Fails to POST. No beeps, No display. HDDs spin up, all fans on, but nothing happens.
Clear CMOS.
Power machine on, save CMOS, continue to boot, work normally.
Shut machine down
Power machine on. Fails to POST. No beeps, No display. HDDs spin up, all fans on, but nothing happens.
etc. etc.
(This board has no "Clear CMOS" jumper, so each "Clear CMOS" means taking the CMOS battery out and leaving it overnight!)
I've seen this sort of thing reported a few times, but I can't find anyone who actually fixed this problem.
Any ideas?