Well, I've finally put my new system together on Wednesday.
Right now, I am just holding off overclocking as I want to see if the "burn in" period would allow the temperature to drop by a bit.
I am having a slight concern about my CPU temp though. After priming for a while, it is usually around 46-47C. Thats without any overclocking (save the GFX card - but that didn't seem to affect the board temperature much if at all.. I've yet to see the board temperature get above 25C).
Anyway, I am using an Aero Lite (full power - yes it is rather loud) with Arctic Silver 5.
This been the very first time I've installed a HS (or lapped one), I am not sure if the temperature is:
1) Normal
2) High due to too much or too little Arctic Silver 5 (I did try to put as thin of a layer as I could while still covering the surface of the core).
3) High due to poor contact between the HS/CPU core.
Dunno, the HS is definitely mounted properly, but I am not sure if I've removed too much off my HS while I was trying to lap it (it didn't go 100% smoothly at first and I had to do it for a while before the result was reasonable).