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Thread: Temperature - XP2500+

  1. #1
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    Temperature - XP2500+

    Well, I've finally put my new system together on Wednesday.
    Right now, I am just holding off overclocking as I want to see if the "burn in" period would allow the temperature to drop by a bit.

    I am having a slight concern about my CPU temp though. After priming for a while, it is usually around 46-47C. Thats without any overclocking (save the GFX card - but that didn't seem to affect the board temperature much if at all.. I've yet to see the board temperature get above 25C).

    Anyway, I am using an Aero Lite (full power - yes it is rather loud) with Arctic Silver 5.
    This been the very first time I've installed a HS (or lapped one), I am not sure if the temperature is:

    1) Normal
    2) High due to too much or too little Arctic Silver 5 (I did try to put as thin of a layer as I could while still covering the surface of the core).
    3) High due to poor contact between the HS/CPU core.
    Dunno, the HS is definitely mounted properly, but I am not sure if I've removed too much off my HS while I was trying to lap it (it didn't go 100% smoothly at first and I had to do it for a while before the result was reasonable).

  2. #2
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    Whats your case cooling like, as this will have an affect on your temperatures. I have my 2500+ sitting at 3200+ with a Thermaltake Volcano 11+ Xaser and its around 39ish idle and 45ish full load on medium speed.

    This is with 5 case fans on full speed (dont mind bout the sound).

  3. #3
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    Well most of the AMD chips are rated up to an engineering temperature of either 70 or 80C but we don't really wanna be getting to that level.

    Couple of things to check:
    1) Check the seating of the HS to make sure that the copper circle is making optimum contact with the core

    2) Clean off the AS5 using isopropyl alcohol (pharmacy or CD cleaning products cause they are the same stuff), nail varnish remover (pure, no conditional) and either lint-free cloth or tissue paper (don't rub just one swipe and then use selotape)

    3) Reapply using the instructions on Artic Silvers website ... seems stupid but there is a specific way to apply to get the best results

    4) Airflow in the case is good and so the CPU exhaust is being drawn out of the case properly.

    To be honest 46-47 after being Prime'd for ages is okay cause the proggie does tax the CPU pretty much and I doubt that you will get higher temperatures than that if your playing games for a large amount of time. Just follow the above for good measure though
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  4. #4
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    My case is fans are:
    2 Front (In)
    1 Top (Out)
    2 Back (Out)

    All at full power (not too fussed about sound either).

    Basically, what you'd get with a CM 201 Black Widow, with an Antec Truepower PSU. The Antec PSU seem to vary the speed depending on case (board?) temperature so it isn't always at full speed.

    I did try to follow the AS instruction the best I could.. Hard to tell if it is done right though =/

    How do you tell if the HS is making optimum contact, and how and what if there is a gap there?

    As for Isoproxyl.. Urgh, that thing is impossible to find.. I've tried every chemists/pharmacists in my area and none of them had it..
    Some didn't even seem too sure what that thing was!
    Anyway, I used Acetone(Safeway), Surgical Spirit B.P. (from boots) and something that spells kinda like Mineralised Spirit (but is not) for cleaning the HS.

  5. #5
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    Personally, I don't believe in "cure-in" periods. If you don't apply the TIM correctly the first time, then you don't get its benefits. Also, in regards to temperatures, I believe in the motto, "If it's stable, don't worry about it."

    FYI, I've had AS5 on for two weeks and I haven't seen my temp drop any further from day 1. But hey, that's just me.
    Previous System
    ||3DMark01 - 18,533|3DMark03 - 6,501|Aqua Mark 3 - 43,912|[AthonXP 2500+@ 2.4Ghz - 12*200, Radeon 9800SE (unlocked) 440/369]||

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    ||3DMark01 - 30,949|3DMark03 - 18,122|3DMark05 - 8,483|3DMark06 - 4,222|||

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