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Thread: Can anyone clear something up for me about laptops

  1. #1
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    Can anyone clear something up for me about laptops/recommend me one!

    My uncle works for a IT company in London who is contracted to Deutche Bank. I was asking him about laptops and he says:

    - Acer/Dell laptops are ones to avoid as they use other company's cheap components to biuld their laptops
    - Hard drives are the most common component to fail as they overheat in laptops
    - Always buy from a big name i.e. Sony, HP, Compaq etc
    - Spend around 800-1000 quid otherwise as they always have the best and most long lasting components which will last you a good 4-5 years?

    edit: Here is some basic wants for my laptop, if anyone can recommend any then that would be great!

    - Widescreen, 15.4"(?)
    - Play games (nothing intensive, just like Pro Evolution and Far Cry)
    - Slim/stylish

    My budget is under 1000.
    Last edited by Toge; 18-10-2006 at 04:20 PM. Reason: changed question

  2. #2
    Senior Member joshwa's Avatar
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    • joshwa's system
      • Motherboard:
      • PC Chips M577 AT/ATX
      • CPU:
      • AMD K6-2 500Mhz
      • Memory:
      • 128mb PC100 SDRAM
      • Storage:
      • 8GB Fujitsu
      • Graphics card(s):
      • 3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP (16mb)
      • PSU:
      • ATX 500watt
      • Case:
      • Midi Tower AT
      • Operating System:
      • Windows 98 SE
      • Monitor(s):
      • 22" TFT Widescreen
    ALL manufacturers get other companies to build computers for them:

    Apple computers (Foxconn), Dell PCs (Foxconn), HP / Compaq (Compal? etc), it can vary from model to model - ie a Dell inspiron may be made by quanta, a Dell latitude by compal or whoever.

    Spending more money for a laptop doesn't get a "magically" better hard drive that will last 5 years! All hard laptop hard drives are made by Hitachi or Fujitsu (or sometimes seagate), and spending more money on these doesn't get you one that lasts longer.

    Turns out Samsung and ASUS are the only companies to make their own laptops.
    Last edited by joshwa; 18-10-2006 at 04:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Does he need a reason? Funkstar's Avatar
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    • Funkstar's system
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      • Gigabyte EG45M-DS2H
      • CPU:
      • Intel Core2Quad Q9550 (2.83GHz)
      • Memory:
      • 8GB OCZ PC2-6400C5 800MHz Quad Channel
      • Storage:
      • 650GB Western Digital Caviar Blue
      • Graphics card(s):
      • 512MB ATI Radeon HD4550
      • PSU:
      • Antec 350W 80+ Efficient PSU
      • Case:
      • Antec NSK1480 Slim Mini Desktop Case
      • Operating System:
      • Vista Ultimate 64bit
      • Monitor(s):
      • Dell 2407 + 2408 monitors
      • Internet:
      • Zen 8mb
    Quote Originally Posted by Toge View Post
    - Acer/Dell laptops are ones to avoid as they use other company's cheap components to biuld their laptops
    i think what he means is that Dell (and virtually everyone else) contract out their laptop manufacturing to other people. This doesn't mean they are full of other companies cheap components, unless of course the laptop itself is cheap. Cheap doesn't always mean poor quality, could just mean poor performance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toge View Post
    - Hard drives are the most common component to fail as they overheat in laptops
    Overheating shouldn't be a major problem. Laptop drives draw very little power (500mA usually as you can power them off USB) but they are a moving mechanical item so can be subject to shock dammage while transporting the laptop. You are more likely to move a laptop than a desktop so the risks rise.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toge View Post
    - Always buy from a big name i.e. Sony, HP, Compaq etc
    Tough one. Usually a larger name will give you a better warranty, but apparently Sony can be a pain to deal with. Compaq don't exist any more, thats all HP now. Ever heard of Lenovo? no? They are one of the largest laptop manufacturers in the world, they used to make all the IBM laptops, they then bought that whole business from IBM a year or so ago. i think they still contract manufacture for other brands too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Toge View Post
    - Spend around 800-1000 quid otherwise as they always have the best and most long lasting components which will last you a good 4-5 years?
    Rubish. You could spend £2k on a state of the art system on paper that is manufactured poorly and fails within a few months. If you want hastle free ownership make sure you buy from someone that has a good warranty, and take the 3 year option. Anyway, i wouldn't want to be still using a laptop that was 4-5 years old, it would be horribly slow compaired to a modern system by that point.

  4. #4
    DR is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toge View Post
    My uncle works for a IT company in London who is contracted to Deutche Bank. I was asking from about laptops but he says:

    - Acer/Dell laptops are ones to avoid as they use other company's cheap components to biuld their laptops
    - Hard drives are the most common component to fail as they overheat in laptops
    - Always buy from a big name i.e. Sony, HP, Compaq etc
    - Spend around 800-1000 quid otherwise as they always have the best and most long lasting components which will last you a good 4-5 years?
    Mostly rubbish chap

    ... whats the point of the post?

  5. #5
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    Thanks guys!

    David: WAnna buy a laptop, needed advice and what to buy and what not to buy. Should I ask around here instead? lol

    edit: posted what I want in the first post
    Last edited by Toge; 18-10-2006 at 04:19 PM.

  6. #6
    radix lecti dave87's Avatar
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    • dave87's system
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      • Asus
      • CPU:
      • i5 3470k under Corsair H80 WC
      • Memory:
      • 8gb DDR3
      • Storage:
      • 240gb SSD + 120gb SSD
      • Graphics card(s):
      • Asus HD7950
      • PSU:
      • XFX 600w Modular
      • Case:
      • Lian Li PC-A05FNB + Acoustipack
      • Operating System:
      • Windows 10 Pro
      • Monitor(s):
      • 2x Dell S2309W (1920x1080)
      • Internet:
      • BT Infinity Option 2
    Dell Inspiron 6400 - this was the spec of mine (bought nearly 2 months ago)

  7. #7
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    i'm going to be boring and ask what exactly is your budget??
    Otherwise im going to tell you to blow your money on a macbook pro with windows because theyre just so powerfull and pretty
    HTC Diamond, Cannon G9. Apple Unibody Macbook Pro 15" 2.4Ghz C2D, 256 9400GT,

  8. #8
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    I'm also interested in knowing if now is the right time to buy a new laptop?
    "Santa Rosa" is just around the corner, and DAAMIT and Nvidia are due to come out with their next-gen midrange mobile videocards.
    What I'm really asking is, if I'd wait until santa rosa + dx10 compliant graphic cards hit the market, would it be spring already?

    I'd really like those DX10 graphics for Supreme Commander and Crysis, but I'm not exactly prepared to wait 4-6 months for it..

  9. #9
    MD is offline Staff MD's Avatar
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      • CPU:
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      • Memory:
      • 32GB Corsair Vengeance
      • Storage:
      • 2 x 256GB SSD's (Samsung and Crucial)
      • Graphics card(s):
      • NVidia 640
      • PSU:
      • Corsair 600W
      • Case:
      • Silverstone TJ08e MATX
      • Operating System:
      • Win 8
      • Monitor(s):
      • 24" Dell Flat Panel
      • Internet:
      • 60mb Virgin Media
    Forget trying to play Crysis on a laptop - not unless you spend BIG amounts of money.
    Please do not message me about Scan Free shipping, I no longer work for

  10. #10
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    Hi Matt, thanks for the response

    The specs of the laptop I'm thinking of buying now are:
    Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz cpu
    945PM chipset
    2 x 1024 667MHz ram
    120GB 5200rpm Seagate hardrive
    X1600 Mobility Radeon 256MB GPU
    price: £1160

    I know this will be enough to run most everything I'll throw at it, but what I'm mostly concerned about is about the value, considering "santa rosa".. Not that I think that the next centrino platform will be the second coming, but dx10 capabilities would be appreciated.. Do you have any idea when we'll be seeing these "all-mighty-life-improving" laptops? Because, if you'll say we're going to have to wait six months, I'd rather just buy now and upgrade in a years time.


  11. #11
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    Hey guys! I bought a Toshiba a100 for 500 squids - i can play FM07, so i'm happy

  12. #12
    finding nemo staffsMike's Avatar
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      • Storage:
      • WD 320gb
      • Graphics card(s):
      • leadtek 8800 GTS 640mb
      • PSU:
      • ocz gameXstream 700w
      • Case:
      • akasa eclipse
      • Monitor(s):
      • dell 2007wfp and Lg L194WT
      • Internet:
      • pipex homecall ...they are norway

    pcpro rate them though

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