Earlier on i was trying to re-size a partition i had using partition magic, half way through the partition process it froze up and i needed to pull the plug. I instantly knew it wasnt going to be pritty so booted up with the worse case scenerio in mind, me loosing 195 gigs of music, films, games & back up documents. Ironically enough, for once, it looks like i may well be right.
The 2nd partition(G) doesnt get detected under my computer now, opening up partition magic shows the partition is there but with the label 'PqRP'. It wont let you touch it with anything but the format key & assign drive letter though. Initially i tried to assign a drive letter to it, and half way through the process the partition appeared under my computer, i could open it and have a look at the files, but after a few seconds it got an error(error during the re-naming) and it disappeared again. This did prove that all my files are still there though.
Iv googled 'PqRP' and apparently its the name assigned [by partition magic] during alterations to a partition, it re-names the partition to that, does the job, then re-names it back to the original drive letter once its finished. Obviously when the PC cuts out half way through it didnt get a chance to name it back to the original drive letter.
The problem is, i dont really understand PCs enough to get me out of this situation, iv spent hours reading, re-reading and reading again up on ways of fixing it, yet the majority of it makes very little sense to me. Iv got a couple of links which seems to be the most usefull but neither make a great deal of sense to me(in terms of correcting the problem). Is there any chance someone with a bit more experience can give me a brief run down of what it is i should be doing?
thanks in advance guys.
edit: the links
edit: similar situations but with the answer the wrong side of a debit card(2 words: University student :/ )