After almost 2 months of problems with the RMA of my previous motherboard and memory I have finally recieved a refund for the 2 items leaving me with £310 to get myself something new.
Setup has the following.
E6300 - Tuniq Tower HSF
XFX 7900GT
Seasonic S12 600W
My old motherboard was the P5W DH deluxe. It was nice, but it was problematic with my drives, wouldnt detect the HDD at all to begin with, then my DVD drive caused a post error on evey boot yet still functioned perfectly normal.
Old memory I believe was 2GB Corsair 6400 CL5 or CL4 maybe... but one of the modules packed in and the system wouldnt post when it was installed.
So I'm looking into getting the new Commando motherboard from Asus, it has proved itself to OC and outperform the likes of the asus striker and 680i. Two insanely overpriced motherboards in my opinion. The commando looks like it will hit the spot though. Quad-Core support, huge oc capability, LCD poster (may prove useful as I have had the previous components dormant for 2 months), and the very fact its Asus.
As for memory I'm not really sure what to get, 2GB of 6400 at CL4 or lower would be nice, compatability with the commando too
So this board being P965 as aposed to 975 what do I miss out on? The 975 is named the enthusiasts choice, but the new 965 on the commando has been able to reach higher FSB speeds than any 975 board. I'll look for the article later.
So... is the commando a good choice? I saw the discussion thread and it looks promising. No solid reviews from hexus or xbitlabs or tomshardware as far as I know, so I don't want to dive in. And could someone pick out some decent memory for me, does NOT have to be Corsair as I will NOT be buying from SCAN, it was them who caused me enough trouble in the first place with the initial RMA and the customer service I recieved was outright terrible. Good prices, their customer support really let me down. Unless someone can do some serious convincing I don't think I will ever purchase from them again.