I gotta say that I'd rather believe global warming is our fault and play it safe, than ignore the warnings and be wrong about it.
I've got kids, and it terrifies me to think that their generation, or the one after it, will have to suffer simply because we don't make enough effort.
I've heard a lot of statistics regarding emissions, especially the one regarding the % of emissions which are our fault, and the % produced by the natural world. It should be pointed out that we have no idea how delicate the balance is on earth, and what percentage increase could result in a very negative reaction. Personally I say we should hedge our bets and play it safe. A lot of the efforts to reduce emissions and protect the environment seem sensible, and even seem to be good for us in the long run.
I read somewhere that around 85-90% of scientists actively involved in the field agree that we're damaging the environment and the results could be catostropic. That's enough to persuade me.