But can we believe our own government when they claim we weren't in Iranian waters? After the 45 minute claim over WMD, if our government stated the sun was going to rise in the East tomorrow morning, I'd be half-expecting it to rise in the West.
As it happens, I rather suspect they're telling the truth this time, but if they'll lie to both Parliament and the people to justify going to war, I absolutely don't trust them not to be lying about this, or anything else whatsoever, too.
Personally, I have no idea what the best strategy is to get our people back, and what worries me is that from the confustication in the foreign office, it seems they don't eithert. They don't seem to have a clear read on the situation, because they don't seem to be sure who in Iran is actually calling the shots on this one.
And, after all, the Iranian government (and some element of the people) have a history of taking and holding Western hostages, and of supporting others in doing it. We have to face up to the possibility that we're in for a long haul with this.
What's clear to me is that while we should try to avoid painting Iran into a corner over this, we do NOT compromise our integrity on other issues by bending to blackmail, and as for Iran's statements out us not having a "correct attitude", they can go <bleep> themselves.
Next, change our military's rules of engagement, and treat Iran as the dangerous and hostile force that they are. From now on, NO British forces should be in anything like such an exposed position as these sailors and marines were. Ifthey're going to conduct this kind of operation in the future, it should ONLY be done when the people at the pointy end can be supported and covered by ships and/or air power. And it needs to be made clear to Iran that next time they try this, they'll be shot at.
And if we can't cover our people like that, don't send them on this type of mission, because if we do send them out without such cover (both in terms of military presence and rules of engagement), we are offering them as hostatges to fortune (and Iran) at the whim of a fruitcake like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.