Well, not much to say about the US election now, just gotta wait and see. For something to discuss in the meantime, the main story from this country today, should smacking children be banned? Discuss.
My view is that it should not. The question was asked in the commons today: 'why should children not be accorded the same legal protection against being physically struck as adults?' I'll tell you why: when adults misbehave they can in theory be reasoned with and told why what they're doing is wrong. If they choose to misbehave anyway, there are laws to stop them. Children OTOH are the responsibility of their parents, and in a lot of cases are not capable of seeing the reason why what they want isn't allowed. Sad as it sounds, sometime pain is the only language they understand.
The problem as I see it is that the people who want to ban smacking fail to see that there's a clear distinction between a brief disciplinary smack and a proper beating. My Mum used to smack me regularly when I was a child, but her intention was never to hurt me, only to stop me misbehaving when a verbal warning failed. She was in every respect a wonderfully patient and loving parent, and her smacking me did me no harm at all, in fact I reckon it probably did me good.
Rich :¬)