I admit it, I'm a sucker for a freebie.
I also happen to want a second generation ipod mini - not very much, I'd much rather have an iRiver, but free is free. Doing my usual trawl of crap on the freebie websites I stumbled accross www.freeipoduk.com.
The closest I've got to a pyramid was the last chainletter I received in school. I really hate them. I'd also heard from places such as www.kevinrose.com that such schemes worked and that it was worth a shot if you weren't investing in any service.
I'm naturally weary of throwing my email address about, so I used my spam-all address and started my investigations. The freeipoduk site is affiliated with greasypalms network - hardly a trust inspiring name, but one easily pulled out of a search engine. Most of the reviews point you in the right direction and make this deal sound more legit.
So what the hell, I signed up. The deal is, you signup with 2 subscriber services, and get five friends to do the same using your referral ID. When all the subscriber services have reported back, the deal is done and supposidly you get your ipod direct to your door. The subscription services think you'll remain with them, they pay their referral fee to freeipoduk and technically you'll get the ipod.
I spammed my MSN list (with evidence from my research) and abused my privilages on my local bands forum. Unlike most of the people who signed up, I got a looong listing of people join - like around 50-60. Obviously I could have stopped my needless spamming at 5, but since hardly any of them completed the offers, I'm hardly suprised I struggled to get 5 out of them. I did eventually get 4 others with only one referal - that means freeipoduk is getting freebies off me.
Did I mention you only ever get one ipod? even if you get 100 subscribers all paid up?
Anyway, recently I completed (three days ago) and was able to click on the 'claim free gift' button.
To my horror, I was greeted with this:
Voucher?Claim your gift
Thank you, we will now manually double-check your claim and providing all the required steps have been fulfilled we wil mail out your iPod voucher which should arrive within 30 days.
Not what I was told on the site, nor the impression I was given through their "I got my ipod" link on their site.
I've contacted them regarding the 'voucher' to see what this entails.
This is what it says after you claim you gift!
So, where am I now? It's two months later, none of my friend have made their five links (I'm not talking about signed up - they can't find five people period!) and I'm sitting pretty on my fufilled offer, with what sounds like a voucher in the postOnce you confirm your mailing address we will send your iPod mini! Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery of your gift.
I'll keep you all informed!