Hi, I had my new card delivered yesterday. I installed the card and booted the PC without issue. Installed the drivers etc and all was working fine. I continued on and after a few hours of playing my monitors, I have 2, both went black, then started up again with a solid colour, different colours on each. The PC had also locked up and I had to restart. The restart went fine and everything booted correctly. I then tested the card with the latest 3dmark. The test completed successfully so I concluded the problem was a glitch and continued on. The rest of the evening meet with no issues playing the same game in the same manor. Today I started playing the same game again in the same manor and met with the same lockup. Both monitors went black and then starting again with a solid colour. Different on each monitor and different from yesterdays colours. I restarted and all booted correctly. I did some investigation i.e. maybe I need to increase certain voltages. I found no relevant result in the investigation so I'm posting here for assistance.