Mornin' chaps@scan
I went to login to my scan account a few nights ago, and was told by the login page my details account could not be found - fair enough, I've probably been a bit thick and made a silly mistake somewhere!
So I try again, making sure everything is spelled correctly and it still says "Account Not Found", so off I go to call Scan support (phones still a bit iffy? It sounded a bit odd last night, still top service though ), who tell me the account is under a different name - one which I know because I've used their card before for buying stuff.
So I login with those details and check the previous orders to make sure its correct, turns out it isn't, it only has one order - so it's not my account, even though when I gave the nice lass on the phone last night an Invoice number she said it was tied to an account under that name, odd-ness indeed.
Any scan folks able to help? - I would call up again, but I'm not sure I'd have time before the weekend, and I want to get my new speakers ordered before then!