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Hi, Having only purchased this mobo other day I think it's DOA.
I put the system together well and carefully but it won't boot. Have checked everything but nothing.
All power is connected and connections triple checked.
Symptoms are :
System has power, switches on, mem light comes on fully, system powers off for about 3 secs then powers up again. and thats it, no post screen, no beep, nothing just the solid mem led.
I tried mem in alternate slots, a1,b1 then a2, b2, I tried 1 stick of ram both slots. I tried holding in mem button for it to try autotuning the mem timings, it reboots and flashes the mem led but eventually finishes it's test with a solid mem light.
I also tried without mem - no beep solid mem light still.
I also tried two different graphics cards and both in the different pci-e slots but still nothing comes up on my monitor. I've checked both graphics card on a different pc with the same monitor and they both work fine.
I also tried reseating the CPU, clearing the CMOS, and unplugging all hardrives, case fans, and anything else just to try and get the system to boot.
I've had the set-up on my test bench so its not even a stand-off shorting anything.
Looking around other forum and even on the Asus forum people are having the same problems as myself.
Can anyone help??