My new ViewSonic VP730 arrived today, and I've had a few problems:
First of all, the power kept cutting out. Traced this to a faulty power cable. Swapped it and I was fine. I was happy to overlook this problem, but anyway...
Not too long ago my monitor picture simply cut out. Restarts didn't help, and I didn't get anything in POST. I switched to D-Sub (from DVI) and got the picture back. I tried the monitor on another PC, both with DVI and D-Sub and could only get a picture on D-Sub.
I feared the worst, and hoped my monitor was ok (Note: I don't know any of the technicalities of the DVI interface, so bear with me). I checked the DVI cable out with a multimeter. Assuming that all the pins simply map from one end of the cable to the other, the top left pin on the left set of 9 (with the single wide pin to your left) did not give me any signal. I therefore think it's the cable that's broken.
Can someone confirm that my conclusion is accurate, and if so, can I swap the cable at Scan, rather than swapping the whole monitor? I'll be able to drop in on my way back to University, but I'd rather not have to cart the whole monitor back for just one cable.