Read more.The demand for its latest tablet in board meetings has reportedly surprised Apple.
Read more.The demand for its latest tablet in board meetings has reportedly surprised Apple.
wait so a firm which makes neiche software, is claiming there is a surprising demand from its target demographic.
well if that isn't a newsworthy story for a tech site, then I don't know what else is, you could always do an article on everything featured on QVC if your stuck.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
Question: does the "Diligent" company quoted actually support more than just iOS? If not, then it's not really that meaningful a "finding".Apparently many potential customers are delaying the move to paperless board meetings because they're waiting for more iPad 2s to become available.
Of course, if I was being negative I could point the finger at the FT - since it's part of the Murdoch stable - being quite pro-Apple and quite happy to hype up the latest gizmo.
Dudes - I said in the piece it's available on notebooks. As I also said, this is anecdotal evidence that the iPad 2 is proving popular in boardrooms.
Also FYI the FT is owned by Pearson, not News Corp, and it's spelt niche.
Anecdotal, yes. It's still not very interesting though Scott
Yes another article out there that adds to the idea that the iPad is sooooo popular that you must be a fool not to want one. All these otehr cool and important people have one or can't even get one, why don't you have one?
Is the software also available on Windows tablets?? These existed yonks before the current crop of iOS and Android devices.
Hey Scott, if it came off as a flippant rant than I apologise. The content your writing is normally good, some of the better stuff on the web.
I'm not saying been a web journo producing good content is easy, but you do normally manage, put your hand on heart and tell me you feel this is anything other than dross. Made all the worse by the sickness I already find due to tech becoming more a marketing exercise than something which is about creating the best tech.
throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
It's OK - you seem to be in the majority. And thanks for the compliment.
Without going into tedious detail we sometimes have to make editorial decisions based on pragmatism rather than perfectionism. This was just a short corroboration of what I've heard a few times - that execs are really keen on the iPad. If they are then that is of interest to a tech business site.
As for marketing - why should tech be any different from the rest of the world? Most people don't have time to read awesome tech sites like HEXUS and so have to rely on cruder ways to make their purchasing decisions.
Sometimes stories can be as much talking points as statements of facts.
It cracks me up what an emotive topic Apple is though...
I feel the problem is that Apple "luckily" hit upon the right product at the right time again, just like they did with the iPod. As time passes, the iPod/iPad brand become generic for the market to call similiar products which in turn means Apple becomes the product to own.
Old puter - still good enuff till I save some pennies!
Agree with this. But a question - any idea why the iPad2 (note: not the old iPad) should possess such apparent desirability amongst the great-and-the-good? Is there a genuine (technical) reason, or is it just child-like "this is the widget that all the press are talking about, so I need to have one!"?
Oops - my bad! Thanks for the correction.
+1 on this.
<off-topic>Scott made some mention of the motives behind Hexus. I'm a relatively recent convert to Hexus as a news source - originally coming to join the forums for some case-modding advice years ago. In the last year though, I've "defected" from The Register to Hexus. Why? Simply because the coverage is more balanced - not only in the articles, but also in the comments - no real sign of the religious flamings that litter El Reg, or the opinion-laden pieces pretending to be "fact". Sure there's passionate folks here - both writers and readers - but criticism is (on the whole) kept civil, sensible and reasoned (e.g. I may not agree with the "iPhone4 is the best mobile evah" folks but at least I understand their reasoning for this claim). This "grown-up" approach I find very attractive - and is one reason why Hexus has become important enough to me that I'd probably subscribe/donate if that became necessary in the future.</off-topic>
Apologies to all for the diversion...
Cameras, thin, aluminium body.
Everyone knew that the iPad1 was released feature-light so some waited. What they don't realise is that the iPad2 was as well, we can expect this again for the iPad3. There are also many people out there who can afford to upgrade every time Apple comes out with something new. As far as your possible reasons for its success, does it have to be "black or white" or could it be a combination of factors? Looks and feel, usability/accesibility to non-techies, ecosystem, marketing, brand, vanity...
I think it wrong to condemn others personal preferences simply because we do not understand it. To call them stupid or "child-like" shows a laziness or refusal to understand their reasons. It is their money and they will be using it, so it's very much their business.
Apple understand the market better than anyone else... Is a BMW THAT much better than a Ford? I doubt it but you find BMW owners looking for each other in public places, so they can have BM chats and talk about how much they want the new one etc. It's a club and those in it feel exclusive and that's what they want. The siege mentality caused by hate-boys is merely adding to the power they have over their "members".
Scott B (05-04-2011)
CEO's and those in the boardroom tend to be fairly impulse buyers from my experience. They like shiny new toys. Unlike those further down the chain though they have the power to get them bought
As an iPad owner, I love mine. However I tend to tell more clients not to get on than to buy one. The iPad 2 fixes one of the drawbacks of the first model, but for me they are still a luxury item and not a replacement to a computer.
In a few years that I think will change.
They've been working on the iPad since before the iPhone. Apple looked a the existing tablets out there and realised they all had fairly major failings and learnt from it. I wouldn't have called it luck. The put a long term plan in place to bring out the iPhone and use that to build the iPad on.
I think some will never every admit it being anything other than dumb luck. Most other companies that compete with apple, just do me too stuff and as a result are always behind Apple on time scale. You cannot compete with apple by creating something similar to what they are shipping now. As they already have the next one in the final design phase.
Google seem to be realising this and are taking a hard look at the focus of Android. I hope they fix the issues with it, as a stronger Android means better things for both Android and Apple customers.
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