for some reasion my N80s gone kinda slow on moving through the menu.. and also my memory card i have to keep formating it ne1 no why?
for some reasion my N80s gone kinda slow on moving through the menu.. and also my memory card i have to keep formating it ne1 no why?
try updating the firmware i dunno if thats possible on Symbian phones
Its a common problem i have heard from a few people but unfortunately i've never heard a solution. Firmware upgrade is always a good start though
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mine used to be as slow as treacle after a software update it was quite a bit faster
Use the Nokia Upsater Tools @ it will update your firmware to the latest firmware. Do you have the Nokia Genric frimware?
mine was always slow, though feature rich
as above my n73 was dire i updated it and about 10 times faster.
how big is your memory card? is it full? i know these things affect on how fast your phone works also, like many have sujjested try flashing it to a newer firm ware. O yeah just remembered these phones can be corrupted and can also be infected by viruses. Hope this helps
Last edited by zashark; 21-03-2007 at 12:56 AM. Reason: more info
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