Essentially my current contract is due to run out and I'm in a quandry looking at my options.
If I "renew" my current status with T-Mobile I no longer get my £15 per month off loyalty bonus for my Combi 30 plan. I am eligible for a new mobile, however the handsets offered through retentions are either not that good, or stupidly priced. I've noticed that by cancelling and starting a new contract - I can get some better handsets for free. So that's renewing out the window.
To start a new contract I've looked around, and it appears the best deals are on the web with free gifts making them appealing. After getting opinions about various companies and their customer services from consumer websites, I have found a few I'm happy to take a risk with.
I did realise though, while looking at new phones there aren't any that motivate me to move away from my current one.
So websites offering free gifts it is - and I suppose getting the most expensive gift as possible. Free tvs and laptops seem a good idea. But I'm not sure what to get.
There are 32" and 37" lcds available and yesterday I viewed some in a shop and found (still!) the image quality wasn't something I really liked (I'm using a crt on my pc). I'm very picky, and hate flatscreens that don't cope with motion and end up "pixel-y" even while displaying HD content. I found two screens in those sizes at e.g. the same resolution of 720p etc., (no 1080p screens offered) and found myself noticing imperfections. It is also worth noting that I don't have a Blu-Ray optical drive and hadn't planned to get one at this time.
Another option is a laptop. I already have one, but it's barely used. When switched on it has performed whatever I wanted it to do with ease. However getting a new laptop would mean I could recoup some cash by selling my current one. It'd be an upgrade too, but (comparing specs) not by that much; and considering that the one I have already does what I need it to do, more power would be fairly pointless.
I don't have a console, and I don't play console games.
I could avoid the free gift and go for a spanking top of the range phone - and then sell it. However that isn't always easy, and lets face it, doing so via auction can of course entail its own risk. There'd also be a hit on its value through fees.
Sorry for the length of this post - but what would you do in my situation?