Right guys, 18 months ago i signed up for a HTC touch pro contract, ALWAYS had problems with it until one day it gave up all hope, HTC refused to fix it and wanted £300 to repair it or £12 to send it back to me still broken, i argued the toss and got it back for free so i could enjoy raging on it for the months of agony it put me through, needless to say it ended up in a 1000 pieces but man..it felt good.
Now considering my last phone purchased was so long ago..18 months, and im now using the mrs SE C510 basic phone i am abosultely clueless as to which handset to get.
Now..ive always had a thing for phsyical keyboards on phone, whether it be your traditional mobile phone, or a full qwerty. Ive not used a proper touch screen phone ie with no physical keyboard as my HTC touch pro had the proper keyboard i used that instead..granted it failed completley twice and was still never fixed properly, always required a hard reset.
How are the fully fledged touch screen phones to use ?
My requirements arent alot really so il list them up below :
Access to facebook, preferbly through an app so i can keep up to date with my friends/family.
Youtube app so i can play random sh1te when im bored.
Email would be appreciated as i have a gmail account, push isnt needed.
MMS as i still do use this.
Ide like to be able to take nice photo's when needed, obviously it wont be a primary camera as i have my DSLR for that, but when im out on the bike ide like to be able to take a few half decent snaps.
I dont want to be waiting for things to happen, the htc touch pro was a slow machine.
Integrated GPS receiver, majority have this now though..right ?
What i dont want.......IPhone, i want something with a physical battery that can be removed and i can carry a spare with me, i will be using it as a satnav in my car aswel as my bike so when on the bike i would like to have a spare battery just incase, although i will eventually wire up a 12v socket especially for my trip to france.
What ive looked at breifly.
Nokia N97 (old phone now though, do i really want to be signing up to a 18-24month contract on an older phone?)
Nokia N97 Mini
Motorolla Milestone
HTC HD2, although i swore ide never have another HTC this just looks nice, and considering it has a 1ghz cpu as opposed to the 528mhz in my Touch Pro i imagine it will work faster ? + The keyboard cant exactly fail as it doesnt have one !
Cheers in advance guys, i hope you can help !
P.S : I need to order in the next 3 days, as my contract finishes then !!!!!!!!!!!