simple question reallly voice opinions
simple question reallly voice opinions
That's a bit like asking "is it worth changing from a VW Golf GTI to an estate car". the 3GS is a particular model by a single manufacturer, Android is just the OS that a bunch of phone run. Most of them connect to all the Google services, some cheap ass ones don't.
What particular Android handset did you have in mind?
Last edited by cigbunt; 06-02-2011 at 01:38 AM. Reason: expanded
The HTC Desire is £250 from phones4u iirc.
It has some better features, I think it's a bit faster and it has a higher res screen, but battery life is probably similar, I personally wouldn't bother unless you are willing to get a higher end option in which case you would probably be stepping into the same price range as an iPhone 4. Which then leads to the question of what do you use your phone for? Do you appreciate the simplicity of the iOS? Are you after a phone that allows you more control over the aesthetics of the OS?
If you like iOS and the great selection of apps, keep the 3GS or get an iPhone 4, if you want something 'different' and still have a decent selection of apps, get an android.
TBH, there's not a whole lot of difference, the main reason I can think of changing is because you want a newer phone like a HTC Desire HD with a larger screen. If that's the case then it's worthwhile, but be prepared for the changes.
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This is bunny and friends. He is fed up waiting for everyone to help him out, and decided to help himself instead!
i went in to CPW today and had a lil playon the nexus s... i was impressed looks like a real slick phone! i probably would miss the odd app form apple but the android seems alot better than my the g1 i used to have lol!
not taking the plunge yet, as i refuse to get another crappy contract and i dont want to foot the £430 bill just yet... but im gonna keep my eye out see if any deals pop up!
The only issue I can see with switching is that you'llhave to buy all your apps again for Android, and that can be expensive !
Id suggest you stick with the 3GS, for the next few months at least, and then pick up an iPhone 5 on a new contract in June.
Android devices are great (but the hardware matters so much more than you think!) but they are not for girlfriend has one and although it's initially fun to play with - so many settings, things to change, things to tweak..once you get past that initial "oh wow" period you realise it's actually just a phone. Then you start the miss the ease of use of an iphone, the reliability and vastly superior UI as a phone.
If you want to customise customise customise, then an android device is the way to go, but personally I prefer iOS. Android has really become the "windows" of the mobile world - runs on almost anything, run by a huge number of people on many different hardware platforms, many different versions of the OS available, viruses and malicous apps..not all bad things but still, not for me.
im not going to sign up with a contract again iphone will be so overpriced.. and on at least a 24month contract
cpw are offering me 180odd for my 3gs cash sent direct to my card... its real temping lol.. need to wait for some decent deals on the nuxus if there are gonna be any!?
well it £429 and not likely to drop much anytime soon..but its also only £500 for an iphone 4, so not much difference and then you get another iphone (no need to re-purchase all your apps....).
If you want to sell that 3Gs, try mazumamobile instead of CPW - they are offering £200 for it, so get an extra £20
if you enjoy customizing, configuring, having control over your phone go android, if you like letting your phone do all the work, letting you phone decide everything keep the 3gs.
thats my thought, i love android so much more mainly because i guess i hate being "locked in" via itunes, and not able to control my device how i want it.
htc desire user here, battery life on iphone im not sure about but as long as you disable internet when not in use it lasts a very long time + other apps i.e tasks managers, keeping the phone "clean" can also help.
felt like ive waffled on about nothing so ill go have a shower, bye!
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