Having managed to drain a fully charged battery within 24 hours of getting this phone, I still haven't tried out all of its features! I have some questions that i'm hoping someone will be able to answer or point me in the right direction.
1. I want to take a picture using the built-in camera and send it via MMS to another mobile that happens to be in another country. I understand from Orange (my provider) that they don't currently support MMS to foreign mobiles. I spoke at legnth with their wireless and data department yesterday and they said that it may work but they are trying to resolve some technical problems and there is no fix date at the moment. However, i'm willing to give it a go hoping it will work.
So, the camera settings are Large picture size and Fine picture quality. Obviously, I don't want to send a 1MB file using MMS (even if it were to get through the Orange MMS server). Is there a way to automatically scale it down when sending via MMS so that the recipient gets a much smaller picture that just fits into her SE K700i screen?
2. I want to be able to compose my own picture messages and send them. What is the simplest way of doing this? The reason I want to do this is to create messages in her native language.
3. Where is the best place to buy accessories for the K750i without paying CPW prices?! I'm after a couple of desk chargers and power adapters.
4. Where can I get applications for this phone? I'm after things like a World Clock and other travel-related applications.