I had been happily using nero 6 for quite a long while, but for some reason it recently stopped being able to write audio cd's from mp3's.
So I thought I would try version 7 of nero, and downloaded a demo.
It started to install fine, and asked me to restart my computer. I did.
Then things went strange. One of those command prompt windows popped up and disappeared in an instant, so I assumed it was part of the install process. But after waiting a while, nothing continued. So I went into the temp dir and tried running the setup again from where it had unpacked to. It asked if I wanted to modify or remove the install. clicking on modify started things running, but it then it said install was interrupted. Same happened with remove the install.
So I thought I would try msconfig to see what had been changed on boot. No run box was available! winkey-R: "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions on this computer"! ctrl-alt-del: No shut down or task manager! I am admin!
So I now have a system that won't let me shut down or view task list, "run" useful stuff, nero 7 not functioning, not removable, not installable, and nero 6 hanging when I try to run it.
Worried it may be a virus, though I am running an up-to-date avast.