Paypal could ban unsafe browsers - The INQUIRER
Inshort: Paypal are looking to ban Safari, because they deam it insecure.
Its quite intresting, because the complaint is a lack of an anti-phishing filter, but its got obvious wider implications. Here is why.
Most web developers are at that dangerous level of understanding, the same one i have when I try to make anything interface with a PIC under linux. They think they know enough to make an infromed judgement, when really they are missing the point.
Older is better, and less is more when it comes to security, these are two basic rules, the less code you have, the less chance of their been many exploits (if you assume that the exploitability is a even chance or line of code (which of course it isn't)). The older it is, the more tried and tested it is.
Now regretably people don't look objectivly at what browsers offer in terms of security very often, and i supose its understandable, otherwise Lynx would be everyones choice. However its not OK to pretend it dosen't exist.
I think this is what safari users are doing, one of the reasons i wind up mac fans for fun, is because their zelous view makes it easy, and yes their browser is really lacking from the views of a programmer (note, programmer, not web developer), as is the ferrits lousy garbage collection, and the Active-x in ie, that seams as thou it was from simpler times, when locks where made of paper, and everyone left their door open.
But this comment about safari is fairly appt, Apple where trying to push it as a developement platform, a move i couldn't fathom (why you would develope for a browser with a sod all market share, rather than all browsers, or the one browser with the hudge share). I think they might of lost site of whats important to the average home user.
Do you think Paypal are right to threaten this?