Illegal, unlawful, or just contrary to the EULA?
In fact there are two "Fair dealing" exceptions in Copyright law, for purposes of non-commerical research, or for purposes of criticism or review of copyright material, it could be argued that under both these exceptions, a hackentosh install could be on the level, regardless of licence agreement terms. In truth, this issue is so complex, that even a team of lawyers would be puzzled over the legality of the issue, it really just needs to be tried in court, levied against an individual to be ruled illegal.
The thread starter isn't intending to buy the wind for anything, he already owns one and is contemplating dual booting it with OSX. He has been interested in getting a mac at some point and this could be an extremely cheap way of getting a portable mac. Initial outlay for the wind / advent £250 + £15 RAM upgrade + £60 for leopard (USA). You will also notice that I removed the link to the wind forums (that didnt itself link to any downloads) to be on the safe side.
Did a bit of googling on the EULA, found this mentioned in quie ta few places
The legality of the hybrid Hackintosh is a curious thing. Apple hasn't set their lawyers onto anyone (at least, not that we've heard of). Indeed, the licence for OS X itself is a bit vague and open to interpretation, specifically the note that "this license allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-labelled computer at a time".
Not a computer made by Apple, but an ‘Apple-labelled' computer - a computer bearing a label that says ‘Apple'. This could arguably be considered to include an Apple sticker or even a Dymo label bearing the word ‘Apple'!
Soooo wheres that marker pen
Last edited by Flibb; 06-08-2008 at 12:31 AM.
Except that marking a computer not made by Apple as if it was would be counterfeiting.
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throw new ArgumentException (String, String, Exception)
I don't know if you guys have been following the whole PsyStar Mac Clone stories in the US. Apple rightly has been careful in how they go after PsyStar incase it ends up invalidating their own EULA. That is to say, if I agree to legal license inside the box by opening box how is that legal. It's like saying I must agree to a legal contract to read what it is I am agreeing to.
I don't doubt that Apple will get it's way, but if by some fluke it call's in to question the whole legality of EULAs it may mean exciting times a head for the more restrictly EULA'd software.
I briefly considered building a Hackintosh before I got my iMac. IMHO one of the things which OSX brings to the table is rock solid stability. Apple know exactly what very small subset of hardware they need to support. If you start adding to that, and hacking the OS, you potentially make it far less stable.
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