Are there any about that actually work? Ive lost nearly all my college work, both the original and the backups
Are there any about that actually work? Ive lost nearly all my college work, both the original and the backups
PC1 -Partitions:
Local Disk C:\
Archive G:\ (backup partition)
I shared G:\ on the network and copied its content over to the desktop of PC2. I checked the size of the folder containing the Files and folders of G:\ to make sure it was the same as on PC1. After checking this i formatted PC1 and resized my partitions. When i got windows up and running again. i set the network backup and copied G:\ from PC2 into my freshy formatted and resised Archive partition. But for some reason my work didnt copy over, and its not on PC2 either. So i dont know whats gone wrong, weather it didnt copy over to PC2 in the first place.
Last edited by Dorza; 11-04-2004 at 05:45 PM.
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