As in the other bike lights thread, I've got some Electron LED rechargeable lights. With the clocks going back soon I thought I best get them out and give them a check over. All's well, but when looking at how I was going to mount them on the bike, I realised I would end up more than likely damaging my new carbon bars. Even though they're relatively cheap bars, I didn't fancy this so looked at how the lights might fit elsewhere. I wondered if they'd fit on my helmet, so had a look.
As it happened, the lights fit near enough perfectly into some of the main side vents. I pushed them in place, then cable tied them in place to make sure they wouldn't fall out. I've used releasable cable ties, so on a weekend when not riding in the dark I can remove them. The light switches also mount on the helmet well, and the cable runs stay within the other vent lines on the lid, leading down to the main battery which I'll put in the top pocket of my rucksack.
So, does it work? I put it all on earlier and had a good jump around to see if the lights would hold. So far so good. Once it went dark I wandered outside and the beam pattern isn't too bad. At very close and longer ranges there's a slight gap in the middle, but at medium distances the two converge nicely. Monday will be the real test when commuting, but so far so good.
All fitted together:
Mickey Mouse?
Close range:
Another close ish range shot:
I didn't bother taking any at serious range since without flash and in pitch blackness the camera phone wasn't picking it up. Anyway you get the idea, feel free to mock.