I sincerely apologise, booze and fatigue talking there. I know you're not a fool, however you are demonstrably wrong on this subject
My pleasure. I don't actually agree with every word of this but it's broadly right:
This geezer says he went from 15 stone to 11 in a year (and why would he lie?). He's also clearly gained a hell of a lot of muscle (I'm 13 stone and still quite a way from being able to squat that much).
This chap's lost a stone while gaining muscle.
This chap lost 10lb.
Simple common sense should surely tell you that this is nonsense? Have a look at some of
these pics and then explain to me how he got such a lot of muscle and so little fat? Because if your statement that the body burns muscle before it burns fat is actually true, then surely his body would have eaten all his muscle while he was trying to cut? It clearly didn't, because your statement is simply untrue. Have a read down this page:
Then have a look here:
http://www.leangains.com/ - a whole website devoted to gaining muscle without gaining any fat. Which if you look at the geezer, clearly can work, although I'm not going to personally recommend his approach, I just provide it as an example.
Oh right, so the people in the stories I posted to only succeeded through luck did they? I put on over a stone of muscle without gaining any fat by luck did I? O.K. then