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That said, since April I have taken a bunch of new sports. Some are relatively low intensity (but requires control and concentration) like archery and iaido. But it's boxing that really made me want to improve my cardio and it is by far the most intense workout amongst the sports I am doing now. Judo is potentially intense but the technique requires a lot more fine control which slows the practice down (hence my heart rate never rise too much). Kendo is a bit similar, though sparring back to back for 20 or so minutes did make me breathe faster.
I had to suspend my training for two weeks due to being too busy, but I just restarted earlier today. May also throw some mountain climbing in the upcoming month.
On a side note, I've started a new project: stretching! Boxing really helped with cutting down the fat, and my abs look pretty good now (I know, a six pack is only vanity - but hey, at least I can now tick that one off). But I highly suspect that becoming more flexible will take, much, much, much long, with far more effort. I have never managed to do the split in my life, and I am not sure if there comes a point where after a certain age it becomes impossible to do.. but I want to give it a very honest attempt. One of my friend, aged 28, recently managed it for the first time, but she was likely more flexible than I was.