This time around my goals are mostly to do with aesthetics... A few years ago I trained my way down from being 350lbs+ to just under around 175lbs before I knocked full bore training on the head. It was a hell of a tranformation, especially in under twelve months. My focus training wise was to build strength in the weight room and lose fat at the same time. I achieved both of those goals but was extremely disheartened by the aesthetics I was left with. I'd lost a lot of weight and built some good strength but the loose skin and subcuteaneous fat I was left with was no more attractive than the beer gut and bingo wings I'd shed. I'd fought a massive uphill battle only to find a cliff face at the top.
This time around my goal is purely aesthetic, a proper balance between shoulders, chest, arms and waist as well as a flatter stomach. I know from experience that no amount of hard work will actually get me where I want to be after my last time round though, having been up around 350lbs it just isn't on the cards.... Well, it is, maybe, but I can only see two ways that's going happen. Either I go under the knife once I've dropped some fat again, or I gain enough mass to stretch the skin into a different shape and drop the fat. The former costs a lot of money and I'm not a fan of surgery, actually the latter would cost alot as well because it would mean packing on at least 100lbs of muscle mass.... So massive food and supplement budgets, possibly even steroid cycles just to get there. That's not to say you can't build 100lbs of muscle mass naturally, but a lean 260/270lb physique is pro body builder level stuff, a decade of work even with "extra curriculars" and I'm old enough that it's probably not going to happen naturally before my joints start to give out. Plus, that's not how I want to look.
So, while I do have small goals built into what I'm doing i.e build better endurance as well as power for my lifts, get my body weight back down to an acceptable range etc. my overall goal is, as far as I can see, nigh on impossible.