I'm 5'11" and used to weigh 16.5 stone. I was never fat but had begun to get a beer belly (or so I thought!). I started off jogging around the park and was gutted when some kids called me fat Jeremy :-( But it did give me the determination I needed to get into it properly.
After about 8 weeks of running on the streets I decided to hit the gym. I did 4 days a week, 2 hours a time, no excuse. I started by doing 1 month at a time and concentrating on exercises. So for the 1st month I did 40 min running, an hour weights. Then 2nd month 20 min rowing, 20 min cycling and an hour weights. After each session I would also do 9 sets of 20 sit-ups.
Now 9 months on I weigh just under 14.5 stone and have put on a lot of muscle. I still have a bit of fat on my love handles but I feel a lot better than I used to and I'm able to run about 8k in 40 min which isn't to bad.
The main thing is to keep going. It is easy to get in on a cold night and eat fish and chips. I say it's all about character.
I allow myself Saturday as my binge day where I eat and drink as much as I want with my girlfriend that way you don't feel like you’re sacrificing your life to get in shape and you more likely to stick at it.
The gains will be quick to start with; I lost the majority of my weight in the first 2 months.
Good Luck.