Steve's tip of a day is a daily* feature in which I provide you guys with a tip.
Today's tip is:
Don't ever, EVER, take a BIOS image for your motherboard, rip a 3rd party integrated BIOS image from within it, and then replace said 3rd party image with an INCORRECT substitute.
Indeed, it turns out they don't like it when you do that.
Why pose such a tip today? Guess what I've been doing!
It turns out that the BIOS for the Silicon Image 3114 controller, embedded into the ASUS A8N SLI's BIOS, only supports RAID devices. That means you cannot just run a single drive off the controller. Well that's unlucky, because that's exactly what I want to do.
So, I went off to the ASUS website, grabbed the latest BIOS, then headed over to Silicon Image and grabbed their latest BIOS, fiddled around with CBROM to add a BIOS that was not RAID. However, I was silly enough to download the BIOS image from Sil that is for add-in cards, not embedded use. Whoops.
Long story short I recovered the BIOS, and now have the right image, ready to embed. If it works I'll let you know. I know I'm not the only one out there wanting single drive functionality on the Sil controller, but I'm not sure whether I'll be allowed to publish the file if it works.
* Lies