Hi all, From Wales joined forum to learn - happy new year to all
Hi all, From Wales joined forum to learn - happy new year to all
Hi everyone, heard about the scanHexus formus from a few people over a bit tech/custom pc, so I've just started building computers and I am totally hooked, everything about it is quite fantastic, just finished my first rig and now looking into the frightening prospect of water cooling (although I'm sure it will be fine/ probably :/) also been helping a few friends out with there various computer releated problems, found all of it rather enjoyable, if a little frustrating at times, i live in a tiny little town called billericay in essex (i wait for the jokes to come in about essex) :] apart from having nothing really to do here, there's quite good links to london, about half an hour by train and surrounding towns, chelmsford etc
Last edited by thetrashcanman; 11-01-2011 at 09:47 AM. Reason: spelling mistake
Hi All, I've been reading Hexus.net for years, but I have finally decided to contribute to the community.
Hi! my name is Luciana Alvez and this subject interests me, everything
related to what we're talking in this forum howto be subliminal audio,
subliminal self help, self help, reduce weight, stop smoking, law of
attraction, etc.. Thanks for the help!!!
New to Hexus, heard about the free postage at scan so I thought why not
Hopefully I will be able to contribute something too.
Thank you for sharing useful information.
hello all
I'm currently working at tesco whilst studying a CCNA course. (HARD)
In my spare time I play on an eyefinity setup mainly BF & COD which is def worth 2 years wages lol
thanks to scan for the finance :-)
Hi all
My name is Lyndon and I am based in a Surfers Paradise called Newquay in the county of Cornwall, you may have heard of it. I am involved in the local political scene and find myself at an impass trying to deal head on with a few people who don't know when they've got it good. I hope to start a thread or two in the near future and hope to get some tips and pointers from the Hexus community.
Cheers, LH
What a great forum, simply loads of useful and current advise.
Hello every body and have a nice day take care
Hi guys. Just checking in for the first time. Been to the site to check things out in the past via Scan site. Thought it's about time I had a deeper look round. Hoping to pick up bags of help, tips and information.
Hi everyone,
I have joined today and having had a quick browse it looks a good site.
I live in the NE of England am retired and love debating on my PC, I enjoy debating politics in general, world events, popular books and classical music. I enjoy chatting about anything in the public domain.
On celebs I'm rubbish don't know who half of them are and don't care.
Look forward to joining in
hi guys, this is taku from china, glad to be a member of HEXUS, thanks!
Just a quick post to say hi.
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